Silver linings

By Anonymous - 16/12/2009 19:28 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of over a year told me that he will never marry me because we are different ethnicities and his parents don't approve. I was of course very upset and crying. His way to comfort me was by saying, "Don't worry, I will always cheat on my wife with you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 199
You deserved it 3 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blackturquoise08 0

GET OUT, CHEAT ON HIS WIFE? POOR WOMAN THAT MARRIES HIM! Find someone who isnt attachted at the umbilical cord to their racist parents and will marry you despite what people think


I think it's ultimatum time. Tell him it's time to cut the umbilical cord and grow up. Make his own decisions on what makes him happy, not his parents. If not, then walk away right now. Don't linger. He's not worth it. And that line he told you about cheating with should tell him that it was just outright wrong.

O that's romantic, how sweet... Dump him now op, and spare yourself the heartache

Greeksta23 7

Say to him, if you can't marry me, then you can't have sex with me... if your strong to your religion or whatever i'm sure your parents would frown on adultery so why disobey them on that aspect if you eager in pleasing them with not marrying me basically just say to him f**k off

Sounds like you need to back hand that little boy.

if he really loves you than he would leave his parents and marry you. i only commented in this fml cause its similar to my life. I am leaving my parents for my gf cause they will never accept her. She is white and I am brown.

The world needs more guys like you, who stand up for their beliefs and for their loved one, instead of whatever racist nonsense the family puts in their heads. :)

thanks. I understand that my parents are still old schooled, but its okay. I know someday they will have to accept her. If not oh well...

Awww. It will be hard, but just hold out. 90% of disapproving parents give in once the grandkids come around, anyway - seriously, there is POWER THERE, if you're interested in having kids. Don't want to treat my wife with respect? Guess you can't see your grandkids. It's "negotiation", not blackmail. ;)

lol that is an amazing idea. I am so doing that. thank you for that idea about grandkids

dude your parents are racist like that too? mine too and I'm also brown. are you from India too???