Is this Brexit?

By Anonymous - 05/09/2019 05:03 - Canada - Toronto

Today, in the same sentence, my boyfriend told me that he wanted to "spend the rest of his life with me," and "I want to break up with you because I can't face your family." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 838
You deserved it 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Karley_Van, it looks like Yudith is describing the whole Brexit fiasco in one-on-one relationship terms per OP's situ.


It seems like it's going to be a hard break-up. Maybe your boyfriend's family will vote in favor of staying with you and overvote your boyfriend, maybe he will plead for a softer break-up, but by this time the hard break-up will already have happened and your ex will be losing money like crazy. After a few months of high unemployment rates and family feud with his Irish cousin, he will beg you to come back and you can make him accept all the terms and conditions he refused before.

Not paying attention to international news much, are you?

Karley_Van, it looks like Yudith is describing the whole Brexit fiasco in one-on-one relationship terms per OP's situ.

That's a run-on sentence. Even in pillow talk, one should use good grammar and style. And punctuation!