Silver linings

By Anonymous - 16/12/2009 19:28 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of over a year told me that he will never marry me because we are different ethnicities and his parents don't approve. I was of course very upset and crying. His way to comfort me was by saying, "Don't worry, I will always cheat on my wife with you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 199
You deserved it 3 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blackturquoise08 0

GET OUT, CHEAT ON HIS WIFE? POOR WOMAN THAT MARRIES HIM! Find someone who isnt attachted at the umbilical cord to their racist parents and will marry you despite what people think


set him on fire...he'll be too burnt for anyone determine what his race is and then maybe he'll discover other things in life are more important...

Who wants to be disowned by their family, there are plenty of women out there.

yeah but not the same woman people falls in love with. if everyone were the same everyone would love everyone else lol

Hatred666Soul 0

you should beat his ass, then **** his girl up in the process, that's the most ****** up thing that can be said to anyone, what he should do, is not give a shit what his parents think, **** his parents, if they don't want him to, oh well, not they choice..............

partake_fml 2

who cares? just marry ! or don't but stay together ! ******* traditions...

The days of a mistress always come to an end this way. Why did you think you would be different? The only other way it would have ended was if he married you and then later left you for a younger, more perky ethnic.

Maybe because she was not his mistress, but his girlfriend? The post does not say he is married already.

If I were ur boyfriend, I'd say the same thing sadly. I don't know what's wrong with says that he would cheat on his wife for you.. Cheating is risking everything!

Cherrybomb08 0

Well she probably wanted to marry him.. Not be the "other woman". thats a complete insult to her. and yeah if he loved her enough he would just stand up to his parents.. they shouldn't choose who you spend the rest of your life with.