Silver linings

By Anonymous - 16/12/2009 19:28 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of over a year told me that he will never marry me because we are different ethnicities and his parents don't approve. I was of course very upset and crying. His way to comfort me was by saying, "Don't worry, I will always cheat on my wife with you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 199
You deserved it 3 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blackturquoise08 0

GET OUT, CHEAT ON HIS WIFE? POOR WOMAN THAT MARRIES HIM! Find someone who isnt attachted at the umbilical cord to their racist parents and will marry you despite what people think


It's so weird, I always wonder why people date their own race by default. I've never had that feeling and don't understand why. When I'm attracted to a guy, it has nothing to do with their race-- but their personality instead. I've dated Caucasians (One of Irish decent and one a mix), An asian (Japanese decent), and Hispanics (One of Mexican decent, the other part Mexican part El Salvadorean). The most interesting part is seeing the different ways their family unit works. I find that Mexican families are by all accounts the most kind and welcoming out of what I've seen. Besides my boyfriends, my Mexican best friend's family is absolutely amazing. I'm literally one of their children. Everytime I walk in her dads face just lights up and he gives me a huge hug.

We get it, you're a muti-cultural, diversity-celebrating hippie-lovefest of a person. You've dated a virtual rainbow of guys. What an outstanding achievement. Do you want a freaking medal? Maybe people date their own race because that's what they're attracted to. I'm attracted to many races, but I don't date different ones just so I can cream myself over how tolerant and understanding I am. Get over yourself, please.

He's got a point. It's great you don't care about race and all but we really don't care to know every single ethnicity of men you've dated. It's overkill.

Lmao at Emporer_jim. And I have to add: A) you're not LITERALLY one of their children. The word you're looking for is most likely 'virtually' B)Sounds like the dad has a bit of a thing for you. Maybe you can add him to your weird racial dating tick list....

marinlabyrinth 0

You're literally one of their children?? Did you ritually climb in and out of his mother's ******? Because honey, you just destroyed the entire purpose of the word. Now we need to make up a new word to fill the ashen rubble of what once was 'literally'.

wow. why did everyone get so pissed? all she did was make a point...she simply stated that she is close to her boyfriend's family and that she's never ever been bothered by race before. Why is this suddenly a throw an egg comment?

Happiness is rare here, so it must be destroyed.

No, I knew the language far before I met him. Before I met him, I've already been to Japan twice.

The only reason why I'm focusing on interracial dating, is because this topic is about interracial dating. Just like if this topic was about gay couples. I've only dated interracially because everyone I've fallen in love with happened to be of another race? Well?

The problem, #45, is that this girl and people like her totally do care about race. With every different guy she dates, she gets another checkmark on her list so she can brag about how tolerant she is. I've known many people like this... all college students, big surprise. They even chose their friends the same way. They'll tell stories about them and say things like, "My friend Raj, he's indian..." or "My friend Tim, he's Korean..." It's rediculous that these kids have been so programmed to embrace other cultures that they do it without thinking. They actually ARE discriminating, because picking your friends / significant others because they are a certain race is the same as excluding people because of their race. You should pick your friends and relationships because they're good people, and be proud of them for that same reason. Race should have NOTHING to do with it. I also feel bad for oNikkio's many, many boyfriends... the poor bastards probably thought she liked them for who they were, when reality they were just more notches on her diversity belt.

No, it wasn't anything like that (referring to the dad). But I can't blame you for asking, especially the way society is today, and how sex offenders are becoming more and more visible. But yes, it was a close relationship. They allowed me to walk straight into their house anytime, even without letting them know first. They treated me like family. Our families were really close.

MaddogTotten 0

^^^ This. These posts are so filled with self righteous, pretentious, bullshit I want to tear my own eyes out when I read them. Take off the rose colored glasses, step out of the shit, and join the conversation. I can appreciate wanting to act that way because you think it's the right thing to do, but dont be so goddam smug about it. No one should be judged by anything other than the quality of their character and the merit of their actions.

Eh, I think it's, well, natural. I'm not racist at all, but I'm just not attracted to someone of a different race. My best friend is black and I love him to death but I couldn't ever see myself getting with him. Or any other black guy. Or any guy from any other race. It's not racist, it's personal preferences that I can't control.

Yarrachel 16

Explain how race is nothing but a social construction. The concept of "race" as we know it didn't come into common use until the 1700s. Previously, "race" was used in the sense of nationality, such as "the Greek race." This was the time of events such as the French and American revolutions, as well as the advancements of science and European colonization. During this time, people strongly believed in the idea of freedom and basing conclusions on science. Therefore, European colonists needed to justify their treatment of native people in the new colonies, so they used their "race" to convince others that they were inferior human beings. Therefore, the new ideas about freedom and "all men are created equal" did not apply to them. Thanks for reading, and no, I have nothing better to do.

quarty165 0

well, at least you're honest about your time, haha. I just took a final on all that, ugh. As for the OP, well, at least he told you now as opposed to later. I know you've been dating over a year, but now is when you start to think about that, so he told you as soon as he thought of marrying you. I'm sorry that really sucks, but absolutely break up with him and do not ever let him use you to cheat on his wife. That's just ridiculous. If he wants you, he wants all of you, race included. (I have dual citizenship, so no matter who I date, I'm always dating a different race.)

letitbe56 0

You're sort of ignoring the fact that the argument you're making is technically one of semantics. In the middle ages, they used the common belief that Africans were descendants of Ham to justify slavery. (Ham accidentally saw his father Noah drunk and naked and laughed at him, so it was decided that his descendants would forever be the servants of the descendants of Noah's other sons.) So while you're right that the differentiation of races is mostly a Western/colonialist construction, you're ignoring how far back the history actually goes.

Yarrachel 16

Yes, but they weren't saying that the Africans should be enslaved because they were black, it was based on religious beliefs. They treated them that way because they had completely different customs which were considered primitive and strange. The Africans had something the Europeans wanted, but they simply used a different excuse for doing so. Prejudice has been around forever, but racism (which is basically based on skin color) is comparatively new.

The notion that there was no racism until recently is itself a recent invention to support multi-culturism. People would use any excuse to preserve the power of their clan. There was so little mixing between races that they could talk about race or the cultural background interchangeably to describe an outsider. When you dig down into the details of course the idea of a monolithic and uniform white, black, or other designation does not hold up, but that is just a strawman. The basic idea of race has always been very important way to differentiate and preserve power for whatever group wants to.

MaddogTotten 0

Few things I would like to point out. "Race" still commonly refers to a group of people identified mainly by the geographical region they are either from, or share a common ancestory with. "Europeans" did not invent slavery, or the concept of oppressing another group of people. Guess what, there were white slaves. There were also brown, black and yellow slaves. The Greeks had slaves, the Persians had slaves, the Egyptians had slaves (I'm pretty sure the Chinesse ARE technically slaves so I think they count too). Not to mention, I wasn't there myself, but I'm pretty sure that the Africans didn't sell the Europeans "free-men" to take back to England and America and force in to slavery. Please dont try to twist this in to a debate about "native" americans or other North or South American indeginous peoples either. Just about everyone in the world takes a big shit on these people on a daily basis, so don't put that on "White" or "European" people.

Yarrachel 16

You're proving my point. Of course there were slaves of all colors, because the idea of dividing people purely on the basis of skin color didn't really exist at the time. In those days, "race" referred to a person's nationality or the specific group they came from. They didn't just categorize people as "white" "black" etc. The reasons why there were slaves of all colors because people would take over others and oppress them because they could, or because the weaker group had something the powerful group wanted. That's why many Africans were sold by other Africans. They were from different cultures even though they were still black, but the fact that they were all black didn't mean anything to them. Even though we today would consider them all part of the same race, they considered themselves completely different races, which is why they were willing to sell them off to be slaves. I never once said that white people invented slavery, because they certainly didn't.

MaddogTotten 0

I think that you are confusing "racism" with prejudice based solely on skin color. My point is that "Race" refers to what you are saying has existed forever, and that you are wrong in saying that it is "relatively new". The reason that skin color is used so frequently as an example is because it is a dead give away that someone is not of your race. Your points about local cultures and sub-cultures doesn't necessarily prove your point either, it just shows how people without a local perspective tend to generalize everyone within a given region when in fact several cultures or "races" can exist within the same continent or even country.

I had a guy say this to me one time we broke up right away he was not willing to be with me because his parents would not allow it and i didn't feel that i should keep putting time in the relationship if there was no future. I have always dated white guys (i am white) till about 2 years ago and started dating Asian guys and I really like them there are some things i have had to get use to but it should be who i choose and not who is my race as long as i am happy my family's ok with that.

F his future wife's life (if you don't happen to be his future wife).

quarty165 0

No, even if she is. F his future wife's life if he's so openly willing to cheat.

immastarr 0

tell him to f himself. thats as far as he'll ever get with cheating.

Agreed with many of these comments - he was never planning on marrying you. Whatever the reason, once you get that speech it's time to cut your losses.

f families and parents. who are they to decides who you should marry or not. its not like they will spend the rest of their life with that person...and you should be old enough to make your own decision when you are getting married..

Okay, the reason your boyfriend doesn't want to marry you has nothing to do with your race. If his parents were seriously that racist--and he actually cared enough about what they thought to base his actions on their opinions--your relationship wouldn't have lasted for even a month; let alone a year. There's something else he's not telling you. Dump his dishonest ass and move on. My wife is a different ethnicity than mine. My parents didn't care. If they did care, I wouldn't give a crap. Because I love her and I'd do anything for her regardless of what racist people think. Your boyfriend obviously isn't man enough to be honest with you. He's obviously not man enough to support you through any trials you have. Not to mention, he openly told you that he would cheat on his wife (albeit with you). What would keep him from cheating on you if you got married? Dump his ass and be happy about it.

HonestThoughts has it completely right. Your boyfriend obviously doesn't care enough for you. If he did, his parents' opinion wouldn't matter. I hope you've already gotten rid of him.