Major a-hole

By Anonymous - 17/12/2023 14:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I've been requesting to use my days off for months, but my boss would turn it down because of emergencies that required my presence (90% of the time it didn’t). Now it’s the end of year and he yelled at me for not using my days off, because it made him look bad to corporate. Asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 705
You deserved it 94

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just remind boss that you had requested time off and he didn't approve it... Having that happen once (being turned down for time off) could be a coincidence - Happening multiple times is a pattern. OP, your boss is an idiot and apparently incapable of taking responsibility for the consequences of his own actions or thinking ahead to the consequences. Now, get your resume updated and plan on looking for a job - Tell no one at work, not even a "friend". When you find a better job and are offered the job, then you quit. No boss or job is perfect, but some are definitely better than others... By the way boss does not have to approve the accumulated time off you've earned when you quit - You will get paid for that.

Apparently, the holidays are an excellent time to send resumes and get interviewed for a job. Everybody is more relaxed, and you will have all those days off to be on your best for the interviews.


Just remind boss that you had requested time off and he didn't approve it... Having that happen once (being turned down for time off) could be a coincidence - Happening multiple times is a pattern. OP, your boss is an idiot and apparently incapable of taking responsibility for the consequences of his own actions or thinking ahead to the consequences. Now, get your resume updated and plan on looking for a job - Tell no one at work, not even a "friend". When you find a better job and are offered the job, then you quit. No boss or job is perfect, but some are definitely better than others... By the way boss does not have to approve the accumulated time off you've earned when you quit - You will get paid for that.

Apparently, the holidays are an excellent time to send resumes and get interviewed for a job. Everybody is more relaxed, and you will have all those days off to be on your best for the interviews.

Do you have your requests in writing? Because you can always send them to corporate...