Thoughts and prayers, dude

By SomeGuy - 27/12/2022 23:00 - Russian Federation - Moscow

Today, I noticed how fucked up I am generally. When as I was at school, everyone thought I would be a scientist at some prestigious institute somewhere, but now I'm actually homeless in Moscow, I live off shoplifting, sleeping at Burger King Restaurants, on buses, and in parks. I never do drugs or drink. This sucks! FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 015
You deserved it 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even though it's illogical and unfair, people are judged abroad by the ruling power of their country. When I traveled abroad during the Clinton and Obama years, I was treated well, but during the W years, I was treated with hostility, even though he wasn't my guy. I knew to stay home when the cheating Cheeto was in charge. With Russians, either they are with Putin or not trying hard enough to get rid of him.


Maybe you can do something about Vladimir Putin. If you don't, you might get drafted by the Wagner group to commit war crimes and atrocities. The world thinks you motherfuckers are useless at best while you're being ruled by Slavic Hitler. You know what to do.

Look, I do not blame you for where you were born, nor for having an autocratic government that wages war on its neighbors. But don’t expect many other people to have much sympathy with a Russian who in reality may next try to scam the sympathetic. Sadly, at least in USA, many people associate Russians on the internet with the scammers that seem to be endemic there… Sometimes you are born with a shit sandwich in your mouth, and sometimes you earn it by your own mistakes and missed opportunities. Whatever the case, you are a human being and should be worthy of a chance. Don’t you have family or friends?… OP nothing in this world is truly permanent - neither the good nor the bad. Every better future starts by recognizing when things aren’t working and making realistic plans for a better life. In the long run, you might better get the hell out of there before you get conscripted and die in the Ukraine fighting for someone who doesn’t care if you live or die… By the way, if you are destitute as you say, how is it that you managed to post here?

Even though it's illogical and unfair, people are judged abroad by the ruling power of their country. When I traveled abroad during the Clinton and Obama years, I was treated well, but during the W years, I was treated with hostility, even though he wasn't my guy. I knew to stay home when the cheating Cheeto was in charge. With Russians, either they are with Putin or not trying hard enough to get rid of him.