Romance is dead

By Anonymous - 07/09/2009 06:05 - United States

Today, at my girlfriend's place, I cleaned up her room, put candles everywhere, scented the air, and placed rose petals all over her bed in an attempt to be romantic and loving. The first thing she said when she saw all this was, "Uhhhhgg, I'll have to clean all this up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 370
You deserved it 5 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lizzi02 13

awwww, sorry dude.... nice gesture

Sun_Kissed18 25

Tell her you will clean it up and tackle her. Problem solved.


Zakky_Ketchup 0

Sounds like a lolcat that can't afford a good gift.

Some people just don't understand how to be romantic and loving.

Since she's whining anyway, cum in her hair so she has to clean that up, too.

sublime93 0

Hey the spelling mistakes were fixed

ahaha yeah i noticed that too... wtf? :S

Because that's all you people focus on. Who the hell cares? It wasn't key. Stop being nit-picky because you have nothing else to comment. She might have not been in the mood, but you are probably a slob and she knew she would have to do all the cleaning up in the end.

lastminuteperm 0

Sometimes women have bad days and want to think of anything but sex. On the otherhand, all you pigs think of nothing but sex. Maybe she was having a good day but knew you just made the attempt for sex. Sometimes all a girl wants is dinner and a movie and "cuddles". I'm not saying YDI here, but I'm also not saying FYL. Next time, put your women first...instead of sex.

i fully agree, men have a one track mind and seem to thing when they are in the mood we automatically have to, stop being so selfish and thinking with your penis guys.

perstephane 4

I disagree completely - I'm a woman, and when my boyfriend does things like this for me, I love it. Also, the best thing for when I'm having a horrible day is to be close to my bf. Sex counts as closeness. And if you're not in the mood, you know what usually gets you there? Sex. Men use it both to fulfill a need and to express love/closeness. Appreciate that your bf wants to be closer to you. You expect him to be OK with you expressing it your way (cuddling, etc), so why not allow him to express it his way?

He didn't say his inetntions were for sex. He was trying to be romantic and loving, but like most women, they think all he was after was sex. Typical woman. Appreciate the comment from the woman above me though, for understanding men a bit better then the average girl does.

"And if you're not in the mood, you know what usually gets you there? Sex" so if your not in the mood for sex you should have sex to get you in the mood for it. WHAT? thats ridiculous

He didn't say he did it for sex, you just assumed he did. Guys don't do everything in an attempt to **** you. At least the normal guys don't. If you're dating guys that only want sex then that's really your problem, but me and all the guys I know can actually do something nice for a girl without expecting you to spread your legs. I hope you stay single for the rest of your life, you two feminazi bitches are both wayyy too judgmental for a normal relationship. "Oh my god, he bought me some coffee this morning! HE MUST WANT ME TO **** HIM!!!11!!one"

perryscherry 0

Thank you muchly 31, though I think you meant that playing around gets you to being in the mood for sex. Or at least you should have. Having sex when not in the mood means you're not flowering or lubricating, thus pain. Just pointing that out, but you're totally right.

I say F romance! I'd pick sex over romance any day. Stereotyping men and women like that.... Sometimes we are pigs too, mwhuahaha!

perstephane 4

When you start the act, it gets the hormones going, and it often makes you turned on and ready for it. It's actually a scientific phenomenon. And it works for me every time.

perstephane 4

And yes, 73, that's what I meant. Thank-you for pointing it out. The thought was that once you decide to have sex despite not being in the mood, you get in the mood from the playing around that leads up to it.

you think your life is ******? read about this guys

darkblue_13 0

rose petals are wayyyy cheesy, in my opinion

Run away! Run away! And if you happen to run into lastminuteperm run away from her too. She's the type that thinks it's men's fault when women cheat on them, when the real reason is that women don't need sex from the men that love them and care for them, instead they need validation (in the form of sex) from new men constantly in order to validate their prettiness.