Romance is dead

By Anonymous - 07/09/2009 06:05 - United States

Today, at my girlfriend's place, I cleaned up her room, put candles everywhere, scented the air, and placed rose petals all over her bed in an attempt to be romantic and loving. The first thing she said when she saw all this was, "Uhhhhgg, I'll have to clean all this up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 370
You deserved it 5 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lizzi02 13

awwww, sorry dude.... nice gesture

Sun_Kissed18 25

Tell her you will clean it up and tackle her. Problem solved.


Bob31_fml 4

it was a nice thought, but i live with somebody exactly like that - he leaves the mess for me to clean up. It's not much of a "romantic gesture" if she has to clean it all up.

i do feel quite bad for you. my boyfriend tried to do something like that for me once, when i was out he tidied my room and made sure it was all perfect before i got home... but he'd put everything in the wrong place, so i spent about an hour after getting home redoing everything he'd done.

how is this a FML? It sounds like you trained her well, damn right she better clean it up. I hope you got head out of it

waterynuggets 0

It's nice you can live vicariously through FML comments while still getting no pussy IRL.

#67 You're an asshole. Go **** yourself.

shutyourmouth 0

not every girl is the romantic type, I'm not but my boyfriend tries to be and it just makes me uncomfortable. I just want a boy who can make me laugh and has my back n shit, maybe thats what your girl wants. besides roses stain like everything, i sat on one once and i can't wear those pants anymore without people assuming i had my period.

the rose petals stained my comforter and sheets

lastminuteperm 0

Replying to the people who commented to my comment above. I'm not saying ALL guys do is think about is sex. They do, on the other hand think about it WAY more than women. Again, she could've been in some kind of mood (the mood every women gets in when, as you put it, typical male steps in and wants sex at that moment) that made her pissed off. Respect her. If she is in a bad mood, be the romantic person you sound like and, instead of sex, ask her about her day, how she is, how her friends are, etc. I promise that will open many doors in your relationship...including much more one on one time ;) I hope I didn't sound like "that" type of girl who thinks that every single guy at every single moment of every single day thinks about sex. All I said was she must've been in some kind of phase where she thought your intentions were for sex and that was the last thing on her mind. Also, what else was the gesture for if it wasn't for sex, then?

dang that sucks... sorry for you! wish my husband did that kind of thing once in a while :)