Romance is dead

By Anonymous - 07/09/2009 06:05 - United States

Today, at my girlfriend's place, I cleaned up her room, put candles everywhere, scented the air, and placed rose petals all over her bed in an attempt to be romantic and loving. The first thing she said when she saw all this was, "Uhhhhgg, I'll have to clean all this up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 370
You deserved it 5 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lizzi02 13

awwww, sorry dude.... nice gesture

Sun_Kissed18 25

Tell her you will clean it up and tackle her. Problem solved.


fatesucks 0

you do know that my comments are meant to be funny, and not at all serious (most of them, anywho), right?

you should have done that stupid shit in your own room. if she wants dick, shes not gonna care about scented candles and bullshit. get smart.

Jincos 0

What ever happenned to 'I love you'. I'm happy with a ******* I love you from my girl, not a ******* festival. YDI for over reacting.

awww, that sounds cute :) I'd love it if my boyfriend did something like that for me, not worry about the mess...sorry OP :(

xx_novembercrush 0

I'm sorry! D: I'd love that if my boyfriend did that... cept he hates rose petals. haha. Your girlfriend is a BITCH.

ryansims 0

what a bitch I would of just left her there after that shit that sucks dude

first off i wud dump tht bitch. if u went thru all tht work n thts the only appreciation u got shes not worth haven. alota girls complain b.c guys dnt do romantic things but stories like this make men not want to. she shud hav dropped her things rippd off her clothes and ****** u rite then and ther. if not at least an aww thts soo sweet wuda bn nice. time for revenge, jus tell her shes fat and pasty

Tomorrow, when she's showering, throw a fart in her face. Then go watch the tape from your "air freshener" in the vent and lol some more

Silverill 0

You forgot to tell her that you'd clean up the mess aswell.