By skrewedguy - 08/12/2011 03:33 - United States

Today, my girlfriend left me. Knowing that I am a germaphobe, she took all of my cleaning supplies and spread mud and trash everywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 684
You deserved it 6 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shit on her doorstep. don't worry bro, **** that bitch & move on.

Your girlfriend is an immature child. Even if you were a horrible boyfriend, she has proven to be a rather low creature because she couldn't simply leave you; she evidently thought it was appropriate to attack you. Class act. Be glad she's gone op.


shit on her doorstep. don't worry bro, **** that bitch & move on.

It's pretty hard to **** a bitch that just broke up with you.

call her and be like "did you do this?"When she says yes say " ya well I have been trying to get to the button of this all day I have to cut one of my girlfriends off for this glad it was you" then hang up delete # and b happy :) u won!

enonymous 8

That's compost bro. She's trying to show you how to grow your own Tomatoes and all those harsh pesticides from the cleaning products are going to kill it... It was a way to get you to go green as a goodbye present If you're that mad do what any rational, reasonable and mature person would do. Talk shit on her wall and defriend her off Facebook

take pics and post them to Facebook and say "I don't ride with dirty girls; cause they get dumped"

nixter5 18

Yeah, shit on her desk LIKE A BOSS.

you should go to her house and clean it and shed be like wtf. xD

51 - not sure if fail-pun or just fail-spelling...

rexgar2000 10

the question is what did you do to her.

asoptavlo14 6

This conversation is spiraling out of control..

*sigh*. This is why women shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

Your girlfriend is an immature child. Even if you were a horrible boyfriend, she has proven to be a rather low creature because she couldn't simply leave you; she evidently thought it was appropriate to attack you. Class act. Be glad she's gone op.

FYLDeep 25

You can't be afraid to get dirty in the real world.

FYLDeep 25

3 down-votes already? If this comment gets buried then I'm going to be left to believe that most people using FML are little kids that haven't worked a real job. Shit happens in life. When it does you got to deal with it.

Or FML has a sizable population of germaphobes we need to apologize too.

Bahahahaha...I thumbed your comment up (afterall, it's just a small dose of reality) and its already been thumbed down again. :P Maybe your observation is apt.

#6 Well I am a germaphobe, but serioisly who would'nt get mad at the fact that there Ex-Girlfriend smeared mud all over there house and there cleaning supplies.

yumlicious 4

And what's your definition of a "real job"?

FYLDeep 25

Basically anything? What employer would tolerate an employee obsessing over nothing when there's shit that needs to get done?

40 Anything besides prostitution, drug dealing, and gambling.

Torva_fml 16

71- last I checked selling my weed, and body is a full time job! As well as gambling my profits.

Wow that just takes bitchiness to a whole new level...

StopDropNRoll 11

I'm afraid to hear about lvl 10 if that's 8.5 D:

Germaphobe... Please don't tell me you're one of those insecure ***** who has hand sanitizer hanging from their belt.

But then it's not already out in case someone sneezes within 15 feet of you.

Gloves lol, and a face shield **** it where can I buy a riot shield? Lol

I prefer to live in my hazmat suit and gas mask. Hand sanitizer is for the super courageous.

Wow okay this is what you do.. CALL the cops !

I accidentally thumbs downed. I'm sorry.

Wtf chinky chick? Lol :p and ya def vandalism and prob breaking an entry 2

jpoole 4

Dam, what a bitch. Find her weakness and exploit it for REVENGE.

And if he does get revenge she'll shit all over his house.

jpoole 4

Well then she has a huge gaping anus.