My precious baby

By Anonymous - 08/11/2013 23:02 - Canada - Calgary

Today, she did it again. While I was minding my own business reading the paper, she casually walked up to me and slashed my face with her nails, drawing blood and screams of pain. I need to get out of this abusive relationship, but no one will adopt my asshole of a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 673
You deserved it 8 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you get beat into submission by a pussy, I see nothing out of the ordinary here

ALL cats think like this. The difference between most cats and yours is that yours actually has the guts to go through with it.


These comments smh.... some people should not own pets

Great wording...but the category of animals was the set off... Send it to the's cruel but it's the only way...

Just like 81 said, being an asshole does not deserve a death sentence. What it, everything any human being was being the slightest bit annoying, we could put them on death row? Yeah. I'm sure you would change your mind right away if it effected you.

I really have to hand it to people getting more and more creative when writing these FMLs.

just get a dog. the cat will take out its anger on it and will therefore love you more

This FML is well written. I would hit the cat ( not hard) every time it scratched you and eventually it will learn to stop because of the consequence.

Personally, I'd grab it by the scruff of the neck, hold its head against the ground and scream at it for a bit. I doesn't actually hurt the cat, but it keeps it from fighting back and really scares ten shades of shit out of the little bastard. Sorely needed on OP's cat if it's scratching his face for funsies.

emirie 21

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