By LETMEOUT! - 18/09/2017 04:30

Today, despite being claustrophobic and avoiding lifts at all costs, I had to use the lift at work to carry boxes of paper to the 3rd floor. It broke down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 772
You deserved it 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You've got to be confident around lifts; those magnificent metallic steeds can sense your anxiety. Place a hand gently on the wall, speak affectionately, and /avoid the bewildered stares of fellow passengers/.

CheekyRaccoon 27

It's funny how, it's the small things that we fear. Guess life has its ups and downs. Hopefully OP wasn't stuck there for too long.


You've got to be confident around lifts; those magnificent metallic steeds can sense your anxiety. Place a hand gently on the wall, speak affectionately, and /avoid the bewildered stares of fellow passengers/.

You've got to be confident around lifts; those magnificent metallic steeds can sense your anxiety. Place a hand gently on the wall, speak affectionately, and /avoid the bewildered stares of fellow passengers/.

CheekyRaccoon 27

It's funny how, it's the small things that we fear. Guess life has its ups and downs. Hopefully OP wasn't stuck there for too long.

You have to imagine the paper in the boxes enjoyed the irony of you freaking out by getting stuck in a box.

It is! That’s why I try not to press down so hard with my pencil.

My cousin hates the elevator/lift in her university and had a few boxes she was trying to get to her floor. I told her to put the boxes in there and send the elevator/lift up to her floor and wait for it to arrive. It worked for her as has continued to work. Try that next time.

Donut_Wizard 23

It Could be worse, you could be stuck in an elevator with a bear.

you could see a counsellor and address your phobia instead of accepting it as an incurable disability

True. I tried facing my fear of getting stuck in roller coasters once though, got stuck on 3 different rides in 1 day, that's enough trying for me.

gobiteme2 34

Quickly make a paper airplane with all that paper, it could come in handy.

The elevator was obviously more afraid of you than you are of it xD

You know, it's pretty safe being stuck in a lift. Nobody realises that it's getting in and out of the lift that's the scary part. That second where you walk through the doors - if there's a malfunction and the lifts suddenly move up or down right as you're in the doorway, you might end up being on several floors at once, if you get my drift. Has actually happened several times in the past. (not for the faint hearted - google at your own peril). There, now you don't have to be afraid of being *inside* the lift. You're perfectly safe until you brave the doorway. Doesn't that feel better? :D