My precious baby

By Anonymous - 08/11/2013 23:02 - Canada - Calgary

Today, she did it again. While I was minding my own business reading the paper, she casually walked up to me and slashed my face with her nails, drawing blood and screams of pain. I need to get out of this abusive relationship, but no one will adopt my asshole of a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 673
You deserved it 8 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you get beat into submission by a pussy, I see nothing out of the ordinary here

ALL cats think like this. The difference between most cats and yours is that yours actually has the guts to go through with it.


martin8337 35

Take the cat to the park and ditch it there, problem solved.

Except that's illegal, not to mention inhumane. If you decide to take on a pet that means responsibility and the willingness to iron out any problems that might arise. If you don't understand that, then you have a bit more maturing to do.

frizz101 22

Is your cat fixed? Did you switch her food? There are a lot of ways that can cause aggression in cats, a hormonal imbalance, upset stomach, or even a splinter. Take her to the vet, it may be expensive, but if your cat is in pain the vet will find out. Or she might need to climb or she ha excess energy, try harness training her and take her on walks. I hope everything works out OP.

You need to work on her. Do you give her attention and spend time petting her? Do you buy her toys and treats and catnip? Some cats can handle a life of solitary and minimal challenge but lots of cats want interaction and treats and stuff. You've got to invest time into a pet. I can tell you she doesn't like you as much as you don't like her and it's because you neglect her.

56, And some dogs are not vicious? What about the dog that recently killed a 4 year old girl by attacking her in her sleep? At least I've never heard stories of a domestic cat killing anyone. Don't act like cats are the only aggressive or "vicious" animal out there. All animals have a tendency for aggression, just like we humans do too. And, there's usually always a reason behind it. Keep things in perspective and stop villainizing cats as a whole, cause there are plenty of awesome cats out there!

Is it an orange cat? They're prone to brain tumors and it makes them violent for no reason. Could be that your cat is sick and not just an asshole, as you put it

Sweetpea22 14

I have known many orange cats who were healthy to the end and never mean. I suggest you stop pulling shit out of your ass

176- being prone to having brain tumors doesn't mean every orange cat will have one. Cool your jets. Wether it's true or not, I haven't the slightest idea, but they weren't saying that ALL orange cats will develop brain tumors, just that they're more likely than other cats to develop a brain tumor. Just like white or mostly white cats are more prone to skin and nose cancers because their fur lacks pigmentation.

Sweetpea22 14

They aren't more prone to brain tumors. My aunt is a vet and she says #165 is totally lying. :D

rogwest 23

Kill the stupid thing. It's just a cat.