Let cats be cats

By Anonymous - 28/02/2022 06:00

Today, I disciplined my cat for meowing too loudly in my apartment and disturbing neighbors by picking her up by the scruff. She then proceeded to scratch the ever living crap out of my hand, now it looks like Wolverine got a hold of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 266
You deserved it 2 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Disciplining a cat? Are you crazy? Your only hope is hitting it with a squirt gun from a distance.

One wonders what you consider “disciplining” for the cat to react that way.


Disciplining a cat? Are you crazy? Your only hope is hitting it with a squirt gun from a distance.

One wonders what you consider “disciplining” for the cat to react that way.

Is the cat in heat? Does it get enough attention and food/water? Not expecting things to be perfect, just those are my first thoughts that your kitty may need

Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

Is the water bowl 3mm to the left of its usual position? Is someone home at a time they aren't usually home? Did someone walk past the front of the house? Did a chair get moved? Is a door open? Is a door closed? Is the food bowl empty even though the cast was fed literally 5 minutes ago? Are you eating something the cat shouldn't eat and not sharing? Did you sneeze? Did you breathe? Did you pat the cat when it didn't want to be patted? Did you NOT pat the cat when it did want to be patted? Did you sit where the cat wanted to sit, even though the cat usually sits somewhere else? All of the above are some of the reasons my cat may meow loudly.

I've had cats for years. And old kitties can get pretty chatty. But I've never had a neighbor complain. If your cat is meowing, try to figure out what's going on before just punishing the cat. Total YDI.

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

If your cat is meowing, it's probably because it needs something. Could be lacking attention/love/affection/toys to play with/scratching posts/hide-aways/etc. "Disciplining" a cat like this is *not* going to get results or have any positive impact on you and your cat's relationship. I highly suggest Googling cat behaviors and learning more about them so you can proceed better.

What did you think was going to happen? Squirt bottles work best, or sometimes I pick them up and hold them like babies.

You should never pick up an adult cat by the scruff anyways, it's not like when they're kittens, they're too heavy and it can hurt them now.

taylor_b22 7

If you had it by the scruff they couldn’t reach you to scratch you, either you’re an idiot or lying

The are two rules to follow if you want to discipline a cat: 1. Don't 2. See rule #1

Maybe consider that cat ownership isn't for you.