My precious baby

By Anonymous - 08/11/2013 23:02 - Canada - Calgary

Today, she did it again. While I was minding my own business reading the paper, she casually walked up to me and slashed my face with her nails, drawing blood and screams of pain. I need to get out of this abusive relationship, but no one will adopt my asshole of a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 673
You deserved it 8 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you get beat into submission by a pussy, I see nothing out of the ordinary here

ALL cats think like this. The difference between most cats and yours is that yours actually has the guts to go through with it.


The whole time I thought you were talking about your wife until the very end. You should write a book.

I automatically hate any FML that tries to disguise its subject until the end.

Cats become aggressive for a reason. You need to find out why. She might be redirecting her aggression to you if feral cats are outside. She can smell/hear them and then attacks you. Or she may need more stimulation.

Haha at first i thought she was your girlfriend or wife till i saw the word cat I'd say buy a scratching pole or something?? That way her claws would be busy scratching something else and won't be as sharp??

chaceb94 1

You do realize that you are a human right? Your size gives you the ability to stomp its guts out. There will be a mess, but since you have thumbs it.won't be hard to clean up.


Here we go Step 1: find a trash bag Step 2: find the cat Step 3: put said cat in bag Step 4: throw bag at stranger while running and yelling its yours now

skyeyez9 24

Is this how your cat plays? Or is it just an asshole? I know some animals play really rough. My Australian Cattle Dog would run at you full speed and tackle you...and keep running Circles around you, as you gasp for breath.