By blah56 - 23/06/2012 05:17 - United States - Vine Grove

Today, my husband put some photos of our wedding on Facebook. He named the album "FML". FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 539
You deserved it 3 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm hoping you guys have a sense of humor, or I think it's time for a chat. I know I'd be pretty upset, or comment; "No honey, this is just the beginning."

Maybe he thinks it means 'For My Love', 'Fruits of My Labour' or 'For Married Life'. Or maybe he's just an ass.


arkumx 3

I could stand for "For my love"

And how exactly does "HE" deserve it. Fail at a first comment.

Maybe the husband deserves to have a bad life with op?

hockeyoceancity 13

Fabulous marriage life. OP's husband misunderstood the meaning of FML obviously.

lululu333 7

6, Maybe 1 meant he deserves it because he married the OP.

RedPillSucks 31

Or maybe he meant fabulous married life?

MindFreakazoid 10

Dude, seriously? That was kind of a waste of a first comment don't you think?

Sonfang 19

Maybe OP mistook her husband and he probably meant to say Fantastic Marriage Life.

jkillz_it 7

I think #1 was funny. Made me lol.

#1 made a joke that I think few people got. I thought it was hilarious. unfortunately, people will usually just thumb down or up according to the majority

So can one of you who understand this joke explain it to me. Obviously I have know idea how a husband can name a photo album "FML" on facebook, have his wife find it so she puts it up on FML turns out to a "he deserves it" comment. Maybe I am simple minded but the math just isn't adding up here.

MindFreakazoid 10

175- I do indeed say. OH SNAPPLE! Ok it wasn't that great but still, saying 'you don't say' is a you don't say moment...AHHH! You don't say-ception!!!

If he posted pictures of his wedding and labeled them "FML", he deserves his life being ****** for marrying somebody he doesn't want to be married to, and for being an asshole. Get it?

I'm hoping you guys have a sense of humor, or I think it's time for a chat. I know I'd be pretty upset, or comment; "No honey, this is just the beginning."

No it definetly means: Found My Life or Found My Love.

Dr0reos 8

maybe it stands for"For My Lover" i dont know try to look on the bright side for once.

kaymi 17

No it means, "Forever My Lady". He was into Jodeci.

uJelly24 1

No in pretty sure he just meant F*ck my life.

Maybe they could even the initials of his name? **** it; who are we kidding here? He's got a pretty good sense of humor and I hope you do too! I, personally, would laugh about it and retort with something along the lines of, "Oh baby, you this your ****** now? Just wait til later tonight." Followed by a wink, of course. He'll know you've got a good sense of humor and you've turned it into some sexy time!

Fotos of My Life? (I am aware photos isn't spelled like that)

GVirdi 11

5 or it could mean "Forever My Love"?

GVirdi 11

I checked some comments turns out someone already said "Forever My Love" so now I feel like I ripped them off Anyways I made a new 1 hopefully noone said this already "Found My Love"

The sequel could be the honeymoon pics. He could label it FMW (**** my wife)

I thought it could mean 'For my lover'

GVirdi 11

129 you said "For My Love"

Wow!!!! Maybe the first pic is an embarassing pic of himself

nofearjenshere 12

Who would post an embarassing picture of themselves on Facebook?

Well, actually, i have a huge amount of pictures of myself dressed as a hooker. So chances are it may well be an embarrassing photo.

60, It's only embarrassing if you're dressed as a female hooker. Us commenters need proof! lol

Maybe he thinks it means 'For My Love', 'Fruits of My Labour' or 'For Married Life'. Or maybe he's just an ass.

Or it could be... I'm going with you that he's an ass

flashback.miss 28

"For my love" came to mind for me too, 8. But, hopefully he's just kidding around with you if he meant it in the eff my life sense..

For My Lover? :D Falling Madly in Love? Okay, the last one is a bit of a stretch.

myalleyway 9

i Fantastically Married a Lady? ok, thats a stretch, but why dont you ask him what he meant and why he did it?

Today, my wife made me look bad by writing an FML about me. FML

GVirdi 11

You did that to yourself by naming the albumn "FML"!

Get a sense of humor. Put a comment on the album that says "No this is just the start of it".

...someone already said that. Don't even try to act like it was yours. It just makes you look bad.

Lol the fml comments copyright police have spoken.

GVirdi 11

Well she is right though Plus seeing the same joke over again just ruins it

16 is such a bad bitch, don't **** around on FML, or she'll break your legs!

16 is such a bad bitch, don't **** around on FML, or she'll break your legs!

aleeshttylXD 9

#132, we read u the first time

aleeshttylXD 9

#132, we read u the first time.

I can predict your marriage going perfectly. But seriously, I'm sorry about that. I think it's time for a chat. But maybe he's just confused of the meaning of FML? don't get upset until you know the whole story;)

mariah_victoria 0