
By Anonymous - 09/04/2009 19:46 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex. The TV was on with the volume low, as we had been too preoccupied to turn it off. All of a sudden, my boyfriend stopped mid-thrust. He was watching the TV. House MD was on. He'd stopped to watch the differential diagnosis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 405
You deserved it 15 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mewzik 0

Well House is an addicting show... i feel like i've read so many versions of this one already

I'm sorry, but House is unsurpassable. Nothing can or ever will beat it.


skierguy 0

Man, that sucks. The last episode was shit too. I can't believe they killed off Kutner.

Sorry, but. House is definatly worth it.

This is very original, not at all like the same FML regarding sex and the show LOST...

MrsLovett_fml 0

House ftw. House rules over breathing, witch i often forget to do while watching House. forgive your boyfriend.

But Lost sucks. House does not. Interrupting sex for Lost=fail. Interrupting sex for House=understandable.

Monty_Python 0

This is hilarious. Everyone in this thread thinks that House is better than sex.... Maybe a new episode would be better...

Don't have sex when house is on, or turn the damn tv off next time! ;)

DAMMIT! I was beaten to the "it's not lupus"!

You have to admit, that show is ******* amazing. ...and you could have had tuberculouses. **** you all for beating me to the punch.):