Or does he?

By Anonymous - 09/02/2021 00:30

Today, I read a message from someone on Instagram asking if I wanted to "hook up with a nice guy sometime." It was my uncle – he doesn't recognize his own family before messaging them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 070
You deserved it 65

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Or maybe he DOES recognize his own family....which would be way worse.

thats ****** gold. I bout spit my drink out


I take it he's not attractive. Otherwise, you'd be getting busy getting into his will.

thats ****** gold. I bout spit my drink out

tounces7 27

Or maybe he DOES recognize his own family....which would be way worse.

Anzubar 5

It could be worse, he could have mistaken you for one of your cousins.

Decipherme 11

Oh the more awkward thought is - that he did 😳