
By Anonymous - 09/04/2009 19:46 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex. The TV was on with the volume low, as we had been too preoccupied to turn it off. All of a sudden, my boyfriend stopped mid-thrust. He was watching the TV. House MD was on. He'd stopped to watch the differential diagnosis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 405
You deserved it 15 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mewzik 0

Well House is an addicting show... i feel like i've read so many versions of this one already

I'm sorry, but House is unsurpassable. Nothing can or ever will beat it.


dantheman_fml 0

hahahahahhahahhaahaha i just love how every1 agrees that house is more important than sex.... u shouldnt have gotten pissed, just lay him down and offer a bj so he can watch the tv show and have fun at the same time ( now if all women would take my advice i would get a nobel)

raithex 0

15, I actually cried. TV has been betraying me lately by killing off my favorite characters. House doesn't interrupt sex for me, but the SOs know not to even think about touching me during Sarah Connor Chronicles...

House over anything. Sorry, but that show is amazing.

theArkenstone 0

@ 31 the show is pretty crap, however hugh laurie is waaaay better then sex

Clandestine_x 0

Can't blame him. House>anything.

TheUnnamedOne 0

I don't blame him either, House rawx

victorias_fml 0
kspy 0

wow your bf is dumb. even if my boy is watching his favorite show, he'll catch a rerun if i make it worth his while. (which has happened before ;-) )

burdenofaday 0

Dude, it's House. House is awesome. Gotta expect that next time.