
By moresexperience - 11/09/2009 12:26 - United States

Today, I had dinner with my girlfriend of five months along with my mom and dad. It all was going fine until my mom asked aloud, "Everything going smooth for you in the bedroom?" to which my girlfriend replied, "No." I'd actually been painting the master bedroom at my parent's house for some extra cash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 472
You deserved it 4 309

Same thing different taste

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Try communicating with your girlfriend about how you can take her to the bone zone. It doesn't matter what your mom was talking about. If she's not happy she's not happy.


well_this_sucks 0
Gia0896 0

What the freak, i dont get this FML

The mom was talking to her son about the painting his gf thought she was asking about them havering sex in the bedroom and if she was enjoying it or not to which the gf replied no

mj2123 0

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bosshaug 0

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The OP brought his girlfriend over to meet his parents for dinner, and in that time, the OP I guess painted his parents bedroom for some cash. His mom asked how he was doing with painting the room, but how she phrased it [not meant it], has a double meaning, which includes the OP's sexual relationship with his girlfriend. The girlfriend replied for him, 'No'. Is anyone still confused?

hahaha thanks for explaining it for us some people are a bit slow i guess :P

she would answer that question...clearly...some people just speak without thinking

maybe some people are too thick to realize when to shutup.