By Jenny - 31/03/2009 00:06 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend. All of a sudden he jumped off of me, going "shit, shit!". Worried, i asked him what was wrong. He shouted "I forgot to set my TiVO!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 115 312
You deserved it 8 714

Same thing different taste

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Nice #3 hahaha That's a dick thing for him to do. Obviously you weren't pleasuring him enough if he's thinking about TV :P

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lilgus13 0

WTF if he's having sex he shouldn't even be thinking about tv. I'm sure she was pissed that he would stop in the middle for some stupid show. p.s. girls don't care as much as you think about American idol and shows like that.

Lol okay, maybe he should've been pleasuring her. A girl is aloud to get angry if he stops I'm the middle of sex, if you think about it, he should stop being selfish and at least let her finish before moving onto his TV. But apparently the girl has to be the one pleasuring him?

The Dawn of Technology is the Fall of Man

Sounds like something I would totally do.

What show could be more important than sex??? Only ones I can think of are The Office, Scrubs, Sportscenter, and 24.

mrstomkaulitz 0

#10 the office is the SHIZNIT Lol