
By Anonymous - 09/04/2009 19:46 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex. The TV was on with the volume low, as we had been too preoccupied to turn it off. All of a sudden, my boyfriend stopped mid-thrust. He was watching the TV. House MD was on. He'd stopped to watch the differential diagnosis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 405
You deserved it 15 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mewzik 0

Well House is an addicting show... i feel like i've read so many versions of this one already

I'm sorry, but House is unsurpassable. Nothing can or ever will beat it.


LykkeItOrNot 0

I find this extremely funny because I just watched like 10 episodes of House on Hulu. That sucks but House IS very addicting.

I hope you pushed him off of you.. My Ex-Boyfriend did that to me once.. so I pushed him off of me. It wasn't House.. I don't even know what it was. PS. I don't think House is over sex.

i feel sorry for all the people who say house > sex you must all have terrible sex lives.

n1125 0

HOUSE.. is much much better. Hugh Laurie is sexyyyy

dancinginrain 0

i swear this JUST happened to me. =/

LawlzN00bz 0

Hahaha. I freaking love house. Hugh Lori is a ******* sexy fox. I don't blame him. Your life is not ******.

karissaaa 0

haha xD i've never seen house, but if it made him stop...hm... i may start watching it

falloutgurl517 0

yeah... I have to agree with pretty much everyone else... I wouldn't even be having sex if House was on.... just saying... it IS the best show in the world.... :D

well house was on....i respect him for wanting to pay attention to house...its the best show ever. :-) if it was anything else i'd be calling him an ass. haha.