
By Anonymous - 09/04/2009 19:46 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex. The TV was on with the volume low, as we had been too preoccupied to turn it off. All of a sudden, my boyfriend stopped mid-thrust. He was watching the TV. House MD was on. He'd stopped to watch the differential diagnosis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 405
You deserved it 15 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mewzik 0

Well House is an addicting show... i feel like i've read so many versions of this one already

I'm sorry, but House is unsurpassable. Nothing can or ever will beat it.


basketballbabee 0

House before sex. Always. House is ******* awesome! or NCIS, I'd stop whatever the hell I was doing, no matter WHAT, if a new NCIS was on. That show is my own personal brand of heroin. :) (kudos to whoever knows where i got that line from!)

notmuch 0

Oh come on, give him a break! It was HOUSE! And the differential diagnosis is one of THE key scenes! My BF is smart enough not to try having sex during House.

Can't miss a differential. Your fault though; If you were more sexually interesting or just better at sex he wouldn't have stopped.

pshhh house is beast. it over rules sex so suck it up.

nammz 0

House is amazing. Instead of whining you should've just watched it with him. And that last episode was great, but terrible. I was basically crying/in shock the whole time.

Are you sure he didn't stop to check out Olivia Wilde?

makjon86 0

irregardless (that's for you #16) I wouldn't stop for house. Call me and we'll show him. Maybe even film it.

Lol, that's pretty sad. And its also pretty sad that some people think House is better than sex. You all must be virgins I guess. Lol, no mean to judge (:

monkeylove13 0

Anyone I was having sex with would know that they shouldn't even touch me when House is on.