
By Munkeh - 12/04/2012 20:42 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, I found out that my partner thinks love is more meaningful than sex, so it's okay to stick his penis in someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 575
You deserved it 4 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No, this man is made of assholes. Sticking your penis around when you're in a committed relationship is pathetic.


robyn101 0

Ya he would be my ex if I were you

twifan1901 0

Don't hate the player. Hate the game!

Sex is not a required part of love, just as romance is not required either. Love and respect are the only true requirements for love. Different strokes for different folks. Or do you believe asexuals are not interested in love?

blueice4all 4
AnimalLover1031 8

Wow, I bet chicks just dig you.

29, but it is proven that sex is an important part, and that lack of sex in a relationship can lead to its downfall. Too much can also cause a problem. Asexuals however operate outside of sex and don't really fit in to the equation the same way. I say this as an asexual person myself.

BostonBruins2012 0
hereinnc 12

Run and run now.... it doesn't get better... just trust me on this.

MrBrightside21 20

I agree completely, if you two aren't in the same place you probably should consider ending it.

Nah, 35. As a fellow ace who has been in relaionships before, I'll also say that I can fit into the same equation just fine. Sex is just a popular choice of deal breaker for many people. When lack of sex breaks things up it's often because the lust has taken over and sex is withheld as a sort of weapon. Which is probably indicative of some other, more subtle issue between two people. To say that we're so different from "normal" people is simply othering ourselves.

But there have been studies that show that couples who have regular sex are more happy and have a lower divorce rate. When I say asexuals don't come into the equation the same way, I mean they don't have the same biological desires affecting them, not that they don't have sex. Sex is another form of communication.

...And this is exactly why guys don't bother communicating. The stupid notion that if they say something girls don't want to hear, the girl has the right to attack them or their belongings. All I can say is, if it was me getting attacked, you'd find yourself in a lawsuit faster than you can say "but it can't be domestic abuse, I'm just a girl". Way to set your gender back 50 years, dumbass.