By Monkeyspank - 26/01/2017 22:00

Today, my sister decided that it would be a great idea to give my almost two-year-old son some strong black coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 824
You deserved it 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm very curious about the outcome to this

<p>At least&nbsp;she didn't give him red bull.&nbsp;</p>


CrazyJolteon 0
dmb1998 0

It actually helps them to be less hyper

that's only for children who have hyperactivity it will calm them down sometimes.

I think you're missing a "U" in your username between the D and the M


<p>At least&nbsp;she didn't give him red bull.&nbsp;</p>

diisneygirl 2

I'm very curious about the outcome to this

The kid will be wired for about a day and a half. At least that's what happened when my sister gave coffee to her friend's kids at that age.

Kids already have enough energy...unless a caffeine crash was intended so she could relax...

katherinerose89 9

She should have asked but if it helps, black coffee has less caffeine and it'll probably help him poop ??