Creepy creep alert. Run!

By LeaveMeAlone - 06/04/2017 04:00

Today, my manager "bumped" into me 3 or 4 separate times. I told him months ago I didn't want to date him. He even asked me once if I was ever afraid of being kidnapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 640
You deserved it 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CassyM 6

He sounds dangerous to me. Your choices are to report him to someone higher up than him or to leave your job. Very sorry he put you in this position as it is not fair to you. Do whatever makes you feel the safest. But please, don't let him keep doing this to you.


Well as cute and flattering as this sounds you should be aware and tell someone just in case! Be safe

Doesn't sound the least bit cute or flattering. Sounds annoying and a bit scary.

CassyM 6

He sounds dangerous to me. Your choices are to report him to someone higher up than him or to leave your job. Very sorry he put you in this position as it is not fair to you. Do whatever makes you feel the safest. But please, don't let him keep doing this to you.

You can either report him to a higher up or file a police report for harassment.

Oh, wow. It got posted. I never post anything, not even comments on other sites. I'm OP, the manager didn't ask this in private, but it was still a weird/creepy/inappropriate question. I told him this. I work at a fast food chain, I've dealt with dumb guys before. I've called him out on it, if it continues I will involve HR. Especially since I've told him a problem before but it felt he mocked me for it because I was a girl. I've also called him out on the touching when he touched my hair and blamed it on his elbow. Like I said, I'm going to involve HR if he continues. I want a new job :/

You don't have to tolerate this at ALL. I'd report him anyway.

Yes. Definitely report this jerk. He has no business doing this, and keep calling him out if he continues to accidentally "bump" you. We women were trained wrong when we were young, unfortunately. We had to be good girls, take a lot of crap, be victimized for things that are not our fault, and are made to feel guilty for events that we did not cause. Put your foot down!!

fmlhernebay 0

Do not wait! Report right away to HR!!

IMO you should report him to HR now. I've been in situations similar and it always seems to escalate rather than dissipate. If not for you, which is more than enough reason, then do it to protect the next girl from his behavior.

Update: I told HR, because I know if he does anything else at least I have evidence. I also before now told people, so I'm watching myself.

Kick him in the balls and say " sorry accident"

fmlhernebay 0

Uhhmmm go to HR immediately!!!

I think that I would start calling your manager out for being clumsy. "Manager, you keep running into me. Are you okay? You should probably see a doctor about your balance problems." As for the kidnapping question "No, of course not. I carry a wide variety of tools to make potential kidnappers regret their life choices." Smile mysteriously and refuse to elaborate if asked about those tools. ... and start carrying a multi-tool and a decent knife, hidden on your person.

Mortoli 30

um thats an upper management harassment form for the guy... you should tell his bosses and get a restraining order on his ass immediately