Bored stiff

By RJB - 29/07/2011 02:48 - United States

Today, while having sex with my boyfriend, I got so bored, I made a "to do" list for the week in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 073
You deserved it 12 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cicpjaky 6

list: 1. buy BIG vibrator. 2. get a BF that performs better. 3. get milk and eggs


outty840 2

well you should get on top and show him how to do it !! instead of being a shitty lay and just laying there

xbella 8

LIE! how would she do that?? what? she memorized it? cause I don't think she was writing while he was hitting, cause if so, then FHL for having an insensitive gf.

Because surely you couldn't take any responsibility for your own enjoyment. That would be his job and his alone. Can he not please you by pure instinct he must be a sexual retard with a small penis.

bigmanj28 0

Today, my girlfriend made a to-do list. While having sex. FML

You should try giving him some guidance, maybe his ex-gf went nuts over what he is doing but it does nothing for you, tell him what you like.

I guess that list won't have your boyfriend on it anymore...

Vaginabutter 15

did you put a paper bag on his head which made him pass out?

just because the sex is boring doesn't mean she wasn't trying with him. sometimes a woman just isn't feeling it and goes along anyway.

if she wad making a to-do list, then she definitely wasn't trying

in her head. women are capable of multitasking

109.. you have a bad sex life? yeah, thought so.

Megan70_fml 6

it should be the guys fml haha! fhl