By Richard - 07/08/2018 18:30

Today, my friends and I were kicked out of a Red Robin after the manager told us that our server accused us of making "sexually suggestive gestures" towards her. The gesture in question was the circle game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 116
You deserved it 1 492

Same thing different taste

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Whoa, now we know what RichardPencil does with his time outside of making comments on here, and doing it all too well.

Ah, the sanitized version of the penis showing game from “Waiting!” The management wasn’t wrong.


islemstring 8

It’s the game where you make a circle with your fingers and if they look you punch them

I some game... idiocy. I gotta ask, are u under the age of 21?

Whoa, now we know what RichardPencil does with his time outside of making comments on here, and doing it all too well.

DraftHail614 17

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Mal2003 17

*insert "Why are they booing me, I'm right" meme here*

Zekfen 17

At least they didn’t call you a racist for making a white supremacy symbol.

Ah, the sanitized version of the penis showing game from “Waiting!” The management wasn’t wrong.

boopingsnoot 24

And they allowed 12years olds in without parents?

the really funny thing is that hand gesture is also ASL for a$$hole haha

WeirdUS 29

YDI The waitress is working don't think she wants to play games with some dumb kid. People want to eat in peace.