
By Anonymous - 05/12/2022 14:00

Today, in the middle of sex, my girlfriend felt the need to ask me if I could get my ladder and clean the ceiling, because it looked dusty with a spiderweb in the corner. I didn’t realise I was so boring in bed that she had the time to examine the ceiling and plan my chore list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 968
You deserved it 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now that you know, you can have a conversation, maybe buy some toys or do some research. There’s no shame in sucking, but there is in not wanting to fix the issue.

That's not so bad. The spiderweb is right there in her field of view. If she started talking about retirement savings planning or other such boring abstract topics, you'd better spice up your game.


That was her low key, passive aggressive way of saying that you suck in bed. Clean her ceiling then leave, she’ll appreciate the fresh ceiling with her new boyfriend.

Now that you know, you can have a conversation, maybe buy some toys or do some research. There’s no shame in sucking, but there is in not wanting to fix the issue.

That's not so bad. The spiderweb is right there in her field of view. If she started talking about retirement savings planning or other such boring abstract topics, you'd better spice up your game.

cpguru24 15

2 comments: OCD's & social disorders. My girlfriend does similar things and it can be extremely frustrating. As a guy I have a pretty one tract mind when it comes to intimacy. My girl is awesome at killing that intimacy. But I learned to talk with her about and learn a little more about what is going on with her. She has some issues with seriousness, and well, I get pretty serious about sex. The things she brings up during intimate moments can be pretty random, and boner killing. Its kind of funny now that I know its not really about me and my performance issues (I didn't think I had any lol), Anyway as another poster said, talk about it. It may have nothing to do with your performance. I like the comment that said you only suck if you dont do anything about it.

Marcella1016 31

Tbh in all likelihood it’s not you. Like someone else said, some people are basically just neurotic af and can’t get their brain to STFU. Could be ADD, anxiety, whatever. I gotta tell you, I do similar shit and it’s annoying AF to me even though I’m the one doing it lol. Like others said, maybe talk to her, or when she says something like that in the moment pointedly say “Can we talk about this later?” And she’ll get it. Good luck and seriously don’t take it personally. And even if it’s not some neurotic thing with your gf, it could be something random like she just hates spiderwebs and that was a buzzkill for her when she saw it, and she just had to bring it up in that moment. Again, though, don’t take it personally. All sex won’t be 100% mind-blowing 100% of the time, and someone interrupting a sex session or two shouldn’t give you a complex. There’s always a million other factors to consider for everything. TL;DR: It’s not you, it’s her. And that’s ok too.