By queen_lol - 10/05/2016 17:14 - United States

Today, I was at a party at my boyfriend's house. As I was walking past him, he pulled me onto his lap and started introducing me to a childhood friend. I sneezed and accidently peed on him. I'm 6 months pregnant and can't control my bladder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 511
You deserved it 2 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FalloutScrolls 25

1) Congratulations on your baby. 2) Good for you, marking your territory like that.

That really sucks op but congratulations on the baby!


That really sucks op but congratulations on the baby!

Hey it's not your fault. Blame your child when he's older. ?

Embarrassing, yes, but I'm sure your boyfriend will understand. Congrats on the baby!

I hope he didn't get PISSED OFF! Heh? Get it? ... No? K, I'll show myself to the door.

He should have been more pulling you that, given that you're pregnant. Congratulations on the baby :D

Pregnant women aren't wet paper, a gentle tug won't hurt them.

That will make for a great story to tell them when they're older. Congratulations!

FalloutScrolls 25

1) Congratulations on your baby. 2) Good for you, marking your territory like that.

at least you peed on him and not some one else! and congrats on the baby!

awwwe haha this is gonna be a really funny nd cute story hope he laughed it off.

Two words: panty liners. You can even get reusable cloth ones. One more word: kegels. They strengthen your pelvic muscles which will help with the birth, bladder control, and erm... intimacy.