Bored stiff

By RJB - 29/07/2011 02:48 - United States

Today, while having sex with my boyfriend, I got so bored, I made a "to do" list for the week in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 073
You deserved it 12 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cicpjaky 6

list: 1. buy BIG vibrator. 2. get a BF that performs better. 3. get milk and eggs


im_bored_tired 12

isn't she the one that is supposed to do that?

idk why ppl keep assuming that he sucks at it. it's a mutual thing. she has to try as well, if she only lays there, then obviously it won't be good. there's more than one position as well. they should explore the world of sex. ;)

wow, your sex life must really suck for you to make a to do list. did you end up finishing or just called it quits?

Fiskars02 2

Most of the time i think its the girls fault.. A lot of girls are whoring themselves off all day everyday. F his life for you being loose.

Maybe You Should've Tried To Do Something First? ;O

sex requires contribution from both sides. If it was boring, you were 50% responsible for that...

okevin 0

your awesome for giving it to him when it sucks thata girl :)

Partly your fault. Now go make him a damn sandwhich

Ydi, he's not the only one that should be making an effort. Tell him how to make it more exciting for you!