Bored stiff

By RJB - 29/07/2011 02:48 - United States

Today, while having sex with my boyfriend, I got so bored, I made a "to do" list for the week in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 073
You deserved it 12 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cicpjaky 6

list: 1. buy BIG vibrator. 2. get a BF that performs better. 3. get milk and eggs


I'd be bored if I just laid there not contributing either.

ZombieNyamCat 6

ok, this just make's you even more of a bitch than that time you cheated on me with that interracial gay couple.

im_bored_tired 12

no you haven't. you're ugly. no-one has sex with an ugly girl.

xbella 8

everyone is beautiful in their own little way!

yeah I'm married and you're a 13 yr old who won't even show a photo of himself. who's not getting any?

Oh so you found the one poor bastard who said yes and married him, okay, I get it now.

monkeystain 0
BuffaloButt 5

hahaha that really made me laugh, I shitted bricks |:.

X_Codes 11

YDI for not doing anything during and bitching about it on a website after.

omgcookeys 15

to do: get sex enhancement pills and vibrator.

CyonideCyns 0

I sure hope you put improve sex life or get boyfriend who's better in bed on that list

neonblue120 6

like that song says "if your bored then you're boring" get off of your lazy butt and DO something... it's just as much YOUR fault as it is his.

im_bored_tired 12

she was doin something. well, not really something, but a someone.