Not a vegan, then?

By Anonymous - 30/01/2022 17:01

Today, a big crab at the beach got hold of my headphones and wouldn’t let go. Rather than wait and try to tease them free, my husband just grabbed the crab and ripped the claw off its body. The man has no patience or respect for other living things at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 248
You deserved it 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The big crab had no respect for your property! The claw will grow back anyways.


At least your headphones were freed?

The big crab had no respect for your property! The claw will grow back anyways.

Litch1 2

are you dumb?...the claw wont grow back

Jesus. Is your husband 5 years old???

randybryant799 20

You're the one married to such an awful person.

HokieJ 10

Turn a lemon into lemonade as you can have some 🦀 legs now!