Bored stiff

By RJB - 29/07/2011 02:48 - United States

Today, while having sex with my boyfriend, I got so bored, I made a "to do" list for the week in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 073
You deserved it 12 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cicpjaky 6

list: 1. buy BIG vibrator. 2. get a BF that performs better. 3. get milk and eggs


Sad, but you get as much out of it as you put in. He was probably thinking the same thing.

sex is not meaningful anymore... so sad :(

lt_stud13 0

I so agree... no meaning at all

now people just find it as a thing to have fun or pass time...lost it's true purpose a while ago...this generation is just making it all bout fun n being "popular"

maybe you should instead give him pointers on how to make it more enjoyable, unless his problem is very personal to him.

On the up side you know what you're doing now!

KennKenn 0

well. you're not doing him for the week.

kaykay20 0

You could try contributing to the experience. Try role playing and new positions that has both of you contributing to the pleasure and the fun. Till you make a effort you deserve it op.

i still think this is hilarious!!!my brother asked me if i was born in****,i said yes..hesaid, ur old..i asked him why..he said u were born in the 1900s!i just looked athim and walked away..

TheJayMW 4

at least that counts as multitasking