By ouch - 16/06/2016 10:14 - United States - Livonia

Today, I broke up with my girlfriend. She was so angry, she stabbed me in the hand with a plastic fork. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 382
You deserved it 2 016

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Geez. I guess it's a good thing she's your ex then....

Hey, at least it was plastic. If it were metal you would have to worry about the psychotic ex and a broken hand.


Geez. I guess it's a good thing she's your ex then....

A good thing? If she did that, I can't even imagine what she'll do later on for revenge O.o *plays before he cheats*

Hey, at least it was plastic. If it were metal you would have to worry about the psychotic ex and a broken hand.

PePziNL 20

Hmmm, being stabbed with steel cutlery would be metal as fork though. Sorry, I'll see myself out.

That pun was the best I've seen in this site.

At least it wasn't a real fork or even worse it could have been a knofe.

It's incredible how nobody is mentioning this is a blatant case of domestic abuse and assault.

Dude, you're only the sixth commenter. I'm sure someone would have at some point.

The fact it is so obviously abusive is probably why it isn't being brought up. Seems rather redundant. That said, there could be some social conditioning factors.

According to society, domestic abuse is acceptable if the abuser is female. Especially if it's against a man - people will try to reason that he "must have done something to deserve it." That's how it's always been and always will be.

katachristic 19

Domestic abuse is abuse of someone who shares your domicile. Assuming they don't live together, it's not domestic abuse. No one said their genders made it okay, just what the correct charges would be.

I'm sorry, but men being blamed for "provoking" a women into abusing them isn't any more common than women being blamed for "provoking" a man into abusing them. Almost every abuse victim has to deal with that bullshit at some point, and saying that one gender is the only one that happens to is utter crap and spreading of misinformation. People always try to displace blame onto the victim- it isn't a gender based phenomenon. Men get told that they can't be an abuse victim because their abuser is a woman; women get told they aren't abuse victims because they 'owe' it to their husbands to obey without hesitation. Stop spreading that shit before you attract flies.

PopBlox 14

That sucks, especially since you took the time to tell her in person.

Makes me wonder what other abuse she may have had planned for you if y'all actually had a longer relationship

Mathalamus 24

stabbing you with a fork seems like a wrong response.

Mathalamus 24

at least the OP got a point. a sharp point. yeah ill just leave now...

Tfunk52 3

How the fork was that supposed to get you to take her back?