By blah blah - 28/02/2019 14:00

Today, I tried convincing my husband to spend his day off work with me because we both work a lot, and have almost no time to spend together. His literal response was, “I’d rather pick a shift up at work.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 501
You deserved it 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

I mean, are you struggling financially? Context matters here. If you're having a hard time I can see why he'd rather work.

kick him outta the house he can spend the day alone


kick him outta the house he can spend the day alone

tounces7 27

I mean, are you struggling financially? Context matters here. If you're having a hard time I can see why he'd rather work.

Yep - been there, done that - "You work too much!" followed by "We don't have enough money!" Make up your mind, sweetheart.

It kinda sounds like the guy is entitled to a day off, not that she is convincing him to take a day off.

Time to look deep into how you treat him, and how he treats you. Sometimes we start taking our partners for granted. Sometimes we nag more than we reward. It isn't a conscious thing that people do, but it is something that people do.

You need to up your game, lady, if you’re losing out to work! Tell him if he stays home, he can get a ‘job or two ;)

This has to be literally about me. I remember saying that exact quote to my ex. I was tired of being broke sure but I didn’t enjoy the way the house constantly was either. I just wanted to leave a clean house if we went out. Looking at everything now though makes me wannna say kick him out. At least my story I was constantly worried and constantly struggling to make everything work for us and he kids. Made me cold to her not appearing to put in near the same effort and resulted in me being an abusive piece of shit. Hope whoever this fml is referring to does get to see it so he doesn’t have to make the dumbest mistakes I made out of my whole life

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

I think you need some ointment for that burn. I guess he’s sleeping outside tonight!

Nhayaa 21

Well now you know why he works so much...

Look at all of this incorrect formatting! What, is using it too hard for you?

I had to beg my ex of 10 years to marry me. After months of talking to him about what was going on and no strait answer, I realized I shouldn’t have to beg and I left. I face uncertainty financially for the first time in 10 years. But it’s worth it. Point being. Talk first then decide what’s right for you- being shot down and maybe made to feel worthless or being on your own.