Better call Saul

By possibly a sweater - 05/12/2013 22:26 - United States - Wharton

Today, I received a poorly-written letter from my asshole neighbor in which he threatened to "sew" me because my dog shat on his lawn again. I went over, asked if he needed some wool for his sewing, and told him to stop being an idiot. Now he's apparently hiring a lawyer for real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 563
You deserved it 24 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You, I like you. That's possibly the best come-back I've ever heard.


Wow, I hope the lawyer laughs in the neighbors face.

If you've been letting your dog shit on his lawn then that would make YOU the asshole neighbour. I hate irresponsible, inconsiderate, loser, asshat dog owners who think cleaning up after their animal should be everyone else's responsibility but their own! You sir, deserve every bit of grief that man causes you and then some.

Muhaha The comment was so worth It though

Your neighbor's lack of spelling skills does not negate the fact that you are an asshole. Pick up your shit or lawyer up.

Wow. Do you really expect compassion for that OP? So what, your neighbor can't spell. You're the asshole that's letting their dog shit on other people's lawn. And what exactly did you expect from being a rude smartass to him? You totally deserve it. That's what you get for being an asshole.

You're thinking of knitting. Sewing is something completely different. Sewing you use thread, not wool, that'd be pointless. The comeback would have been good if you got it right.

Can he really sue you for your dog popping on his lawn?? Either way if he's that stupid he probably won't win, and even if he does he would really be losing since he spent so much on a lawyer

I didn't realize exploding dogs were a common nuisance these days.

this made me laugh a lot more than it should have, does that make me a bad person?

I hope everything works out!! Keep us updated please :)

Most areas, if you sue someone and win, they also get the joy of paying your legal fees.

to be fair, no one likes shit on their lawn. bad spelling or not YDI