Better call Saul

By possibly a sweater - 05/12/2013 22:26 - United States - Wharton

Today, I received a poorly-written letter from my asshole neighbor in which he threatened to "sew" me because my dog shat on his lawn again. I went over, asked if he needed some wool for his sewing, and told him to stop being an idiot. Now he's apparently hiring a lawyer for real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 563
You deserved it 24 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You, I like you. That's possibly the best come-back I've ever heard.


CeeCee_fml 16

Well, having dog crap on your lawn is pretty annoying.

Ok, wait. He can't spell but you let your dog shit wherever it likes, and we're supposed to think HE'S the asshole? By the way, you use wool to knit, not sew. But good job thinking he's the idiot.

Your neighbour should not have needed to send a letter (poorly written or not) because a responsible pet owner picks up after their pet.

Next time, on Dr. Phil: (Dr. Phil's Voice) You threatened to physically attack him, by sewing him up? Neighbor: No! I threatened to sue! OP: He specifically threatened to sew me. It's on this letter... Neighbor: Your damn dog keeps ******** on my property! (Rabble Rabble Rabble)

Sounds like he needs a hobby, too much time and money on his hands. Still, clean up after your dog, jerk!!

Sure he is an idiot, but why are you letting your dog poop on his lawn? Ever heard of a leash?

You use thread for sewing, not wool. And pick up after your dog when he does his business. It is so gross when the snow melts in winter and I see piles of dog droppings all over the sidewalk and have to walk around them.

I can see both sides of this, the neighbor might be an idiot but if OP let his dog repeatedly poop in the neighbors yard then he needs to fix the situation, either pick up the dog poop or put it on a leash and don't allow it to poop in the neighbors yard. Although, if it was only the first or second time the dog had done it then the neighbor is overreacting. Either way the full story wasn't given but a smart ass comment like that wasn't the brightest idea, better to have let it blown over instead of pissing him off more.

One time without picking it up is one time too many. During a storm, one of my dogs got loose. He broke the leash. He ran to a neighbors yard and took a crap. I let him finish, got him back in the house and went back out in the middle of a hurricane to pick it up. Even the most responsible pet owners will have an isolated incident here and there. But they pick up after their pets no matter what. If they miss what their pets do and someone gets mad, they understand why the person is upset. Not taunt them like a middle school bully.

will ya pick it up, if it's runny as ****? basically liquid?

Rarely have a seen an OP post such a comeback. Don't worry, he doesn't have a case. I'm sure lawyers have cases which are of higher priority than ******** dogs.

flimmityflammity 2

you sew with thread, you knit with wool.