Better call Saul

By possibly a sweater - 05/12/2013 22:26 - United States - Wharton

Today, I received a poorly-written letter from my asshole neighbor in which he threatened to "sew" me because my dog shat on his lawn again. I went over, asked if he needed some wool for his sewing, and told him to stop being an idiot. Now he's apparently hiring a lawyer for real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 563
You deserved it 24 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You, I like you. That's possibly the best come-back I've ever heard.


tehdarkness 21

Well, did the dog shit on his lawn? Because if he did, then even though your neighbor is an idiot, he still deserves to not have his lawn shat on!

If your dog is shittin on his lawn, be courteous and clean it up even if he is a douche. Atleast I'd collect it then set it on fire on his front door step. But seriously. Be responsible as a pet owner.

I can understand where your neighbor is coming from. I would be pretty pissed too if someones dog kept ******** in my yard, especially if they weren't cleaning it up.

well did your dog shit on his lawn or not? if it did, clean up after your dog you lazy ******* bum! if your dog didn't shit on his lawn, then ask the neighbor for proof then shit on his lawn yourself! :-)

He really has no case if your dog did not do any damage. You could keep your dog under control though

Maybe he's just threatening you so you'll man up and clean up after your dog. It doesn't matter if he spelled anything wrong, you don't let your pets crap in other people's yards. If they do you pick it up.

Your neighbor is hanging by a thread..

YDI for not being responsible for your dog. You were in the wrong from the start but just had to exacerbate the problem by being a douche about it. I hope he sues you and wins.

So, instead of trying to solve the problem he has with your dog, you belittle his lack of education. Your education should have told you even illiterates can hire a lawyer.