Better call Saul

By possibly a sweater - 05/12/2013 22:26 - United States - Wharton

Today, I received a poorly-written letter from my asshole neighbor in which he threatened to "sew" me because my dog shat on his lawn again. I went over, asked if he needed some wool for his sewing, and told him to stop being an idiot. Now he's apparently hiring a lawyer for real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 563
You deserved it 24 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You, I like you. That's possibly the best come-back I've ever heard.


notsofriendly 17

Pretty funny, but the poo really is your problem. It just sucks for someone to literally dump their waste in your property that you paid for and work hard to keep looking nice (not to mention avoiding squishy shoe surprises)...

I assume it was OP's dog because OP didn't deny it in the post.

Your dog poops in his yard. He complains to you. You go over and call him an idiot. He hires real lawyer. YDI.

Why is your dog ******** in his yard...? leash it and clean it up.. That shit (no pun intended) pisses me off...

furubafan74 18

You know you can vote both 'your life sucks' and 'you deserved it', right? It's wonderful for situations like this.

BDA_fml 5

He may be stupid but you're a DICK! Keep your dog in your own yard.

cycle227 3

Noone? ok: it then will be a real lawsuit! Otherwise a classic YDI

Unless he can prove this, you are fine. I highly doubt he saved your dog's shit to have it checked or even recorded it on anything else, but I may be wrong. At the most it is a fine and a warning by the court to keep your dog on your own property (which you should be anyway and if you aren't watching your dog I'd like to ask why you even have one since you obviously don't know how to be a responsible pet owner). I wouldn't worry about it TOO much, but if it goes to court expect a fine at the least.

lil_mars 1

Keep your dog in your yard, pick up his shit, and maybe your neighbor wouldn't be such an "asshole." As an owner, that's your job.

You have absolutely noting to worry about. He gave you something to laugh about