Thug life

By secretagentsam00 - 31/03/2020 23:00

Today, I found out my dog is a felon. He broke into a neighbor's house by breaking in through the screen door. He also vandalized their property by shitting on their carpet. Our neighbors are now considering suing us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 627
You deserved it 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should be paying for a new screen door, cleaning the carpet he pooped on, and enforcing your property so the dog doesn't escape again.

why do they need to even consider a lawsuit? You are required to maintain control of your dog at all times, that it escaped your property to be able to do this puts you at fault. Not offering to pay for the damage shows you don't take that responsibility seriously


You should be paying for a new screen door, cleaning the carpet he pooped on, and enforcing your property so the dog doesn't escape again.

why do they need to even consider a lawsuit? You are required to maintain control of your dog at all times, that it escaped your property to be able to do this puts you at fault. Not offering to pay for the damage shows you don't take that responsibility seriously

You're mixing legal terms. Suing is civil and a felon is a criminal. Your neighbors should give you a bill for the damage, and if it's reasonable, you should pay it.

Actually you are the felon. You didn't control your dog.

bl3ur0z3 17

If your dog is at least 2 and a half (ish) human years old then they are over the age of 18 and legally an adult, therefore responsible for their own actions. Tell them to sue the dog.

WistayShlaio82 13

They say that animals take after their human, people’s pets show who their human truly is

This would be small claims, but it would be such a small amount that there's no point in bringing it to court. Just pay for what your dog destroyed.

1josh44 4

Dogs are innocent assholes haha

I understand that you should clean up after your dog and help financially to fix the damage, but suing... why?

Can I borrow your dog to do this to my neighbors pleeeeease!!!!!