Better call Saul

By possibly a sweater - 05/12/2013 22:26 - United States - Wharton

Today, I received a poorly-written letter from my asshole neighbor in which he threatened to "sew" me because my dog shat on his lawn again. I went over, asked if he needed some wool for his sewing, and told him to stop being an idiot. Now he's apparently hiring a lawyer for real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 563
You deserved it 24 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You, I like you. That's possibly the best come-back I've ever heard.


pwnman 33

Well I can send a sewing machine, but he has to pay.

Is your dog ******** on his lawn? And if s/he is, are you cleaning it up?

sbjess 8

you're in the wrong to begin, and you compound it by being a smartass. next time, be a responsible pet owner & clean up the shit!

You're kind of a douche OP. Maybe your neighbor is tired of stepping in dog shit.

flashback_fml 14

At least if you get sued you'll still be funny as ****

rety1 13

You sound like an asshole... I hope he's successful with whatever course of action he takes. When people let their dogs poop on my property and then leave it, I wish I knew where they lived so I could give it back to them, in their mailbox or right on their doorstep.. Clean up after your animal; if you can't be bothered to be a decent enough human being to do that much, get rid of the animal and learn a little respect before getting any more...

SuperMew 22

Your dog just shat here, and it's real smelly, so pick it up be a good neighbor, maybe?

you and your crap laden dog deserve whatever you get,  irresponsible dog owners like yourself deserve severe fines and your mutt put down!