By Single4Life - 05/07/2009 02:40 - United States

Today, my friend told me that she gave my number to a guy I've liked for a while. I asked why and she just said "He's just going to have to tell you himself." I got hopeful and really nervous. A few hours later he calls. Turns out, he's called to try and get a date with my gay friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 980
You deserved it 3 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't even worry about it. I had a crush on a gay friend of mine a couple years ago before i knew he was gay. We're still good friends and recently I told him about it and now its just a joke between us. Hook him up with your friend :) then you'll have a new gay friend, which are the best.

You're a douche bag #10. Do us all a favor and dont reproduce.


Duckie101 0
Glam_fml 0

That sucks. Now you now at least, so you can stop wasting time and energy pining over him. 

LOL tell him you're actually a guy and put roophies in his drink

Do you mean how gay used to mean happy? Nope.

rc024 0

That sucks for you......oh people.....god decided we need sum population control Hahahahahaha

Don't even worry about it. I had a crush on a gay friend of mine a couple years ago before i knew he was gay. We're still good friends and recently I told him about it and now its just a joke between us. Hook him up with your friend :) then you'll have a new gay friend, which are the best.

Sigh. What makes gay people better friends than straight people, exactly?

Some girls prefer gay guys over straight guys as friends because they wouldn't try to **** them XP