Work husband

By Anonymous - 26/08/2013 15:16 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, a coworker told me she may be in love with me. I admitted similar feelings and we agreed, since we're both happily married, not to spend time together anymore. Two hours later we were both promoted to run the same project, where we'll be "working hand in glove for the next couple of years." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 394
You deserved it 14 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just remember hand in glove doesn't equal ring on finger.

State that there is a conflict of interest to your boss. You really don't want to put yourself in that position, OP, especially once you decide to be loyal to your spouse.


are u saying u cannot control urself, and if both of u are "happily married", why are u guys professing ur love for one another??

BDA_fml 5

Make sure she doesn't keep her glove in her pants!

jem970 19

If you two were really happily married you wouldnt have fallen for another person.

#69 I agree because when you truly are in love & happily married there is no room for another person. Being in love is the content feeling you get when you literally are 100% fullfilled with your relationship. OP I hope you get this sorted out. Please at least consider telling your wife. good luck :)

Happily married, yet tempted enough that the only way you won't cheat is to steer clear of each other? I don't even see how you could fall for another if you're perfectly content with your spouse. I feel bad for both of your spouses for being strung along like this and I hope both you & your coworker can be mature and TALK to your respective spouses.

bandeek 30

They are being mature by choosing to avoid each other. Why worry their spouses about feelings they don't plan on acting on?

skyeyez9 24

If you have any self respect for yourself, your wife and marriage vows, you will get over your feelings towards your coworker and keep it platonic. Being disloyal to your spouse is despicable.

So is judging people who haven't even done anything.

You actually have no idea what his marriage vows were. Hopefully there was no clause that said "having feelings for someone else is a despicable act that is unforgivable".

I don't think #73 meant that having feelings for someone else is despicable but rather that the act of having feelings and acting on them is despicable.

skyeyez9 24

Hello, OP admitted they need to stay apart in order NOT to cheat, since their feelings are apparently strong for each other. And now they are working close together on a project which we can assume he will more than likely end up cheating. Marriage is "for better or worse" not "until I end up working with a hot coworker"

Just keep your hand out of her glove, OP.