By Forgetable - 21/04/2011 05:27 - United States

Today, a coworker introduced herself to me and told me she hopes I enjoy my new job. We've worked in the same building for two years. I say hello every time I see her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 138
You deserved it 3 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lilllly_1316 0

next time you walk by her, say "I slept will your husband." She'll remember you then. :)

WOODYfromthaBAY 0

shes probably a blonde. dont worry about it


FriskyTaco 0

wear a funny tie next time so she'll remember you

girl needs a bitch slap, then she won't ever forget you!!!!!

op is a girl mate, girls don't usually wear ties

awardZu 0

That's why she will be memorable!

purplepandaz 0

I agree with the tie, even for a girl, but I don't think 'that funny tie girl' is the best nickname when ur apparently 'new' at work

Agree with 53, nothing wrong with girls wearing a tie.

WOODYfromthaBAY 0

shes probably a blonde. dont worry about it

ImaWiseGuy 5

simple solution, be more impressionable....

EmoGiana 0

Somebody better get some ice for that BURN!

2- boo u *****! 28- umm use your lame call in an appropriate time and fashion next time. no one has been "burnt" so calm the farm woman

ImaWiseGuy 5
gearsmaster 0

no I agree she was probably blonde.. or one of those office ***** that just don't remember who they f***** the previous night. trashhh

you don't need attention from someone like that

Lilllly_1316 0

next time you walk by her, say "I slept will your husband." She'll remember you then. :)

lilmisslovely13 15

hahaha lol. thats the perfect solution

EmoGiana 0

That was just one of those comments that made my day... complete.

Dang, I Would of said "I had worked here for 2 years, I Sit right there across from you & Now you notice me." Just to Make Her Feel Stupid.. Fukk That's Cold D:

MyChemical_fml 0

You'd say THAT to make herself feel stupid? Does anyone else see irony? Well That's Interesting, I Hope you do Make Her Feel Stupid.

Just don't say hi to her anymore. She probably won't even notice.

kumakichi 0

what a bitch I bet she said it on purpose she knows you work there. # 3 : I slept with your husband., really? good one..sarcmarcsarcmarc