Work husband

By Anonymous - 26/08/2013 15:16 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, a coworker told me she may be in love with me. I admitted similar feelings and we agreed, since we're both happily married, not to spend time together anymore. Two hours later we were both promoted to run the same project, where we'll be "working hand in glove for the next couple of years." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 394
You deserved it 14 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just remember hand in glove doesn't equal ring on finger.

State that there is a conflict of interest to your boss. You really don't want to put yourself in that position, OP, especially once you decide to be loyal to your spouse.


Good luck then, keep it in your pants :)

cookie1207 19

Screw you. Cant be happily married if u like someone else. I hope u get dumped you dumbass! Cheater

bandeek 30

Seriously? He never cheated. Relax your shit.

there's a huge difference between loving somebody and being in love with somebody. in my opinion, you can love everybody you want to but theres only ever going to be that one person who you'll be seriously in love with. Maybe OP just simply loves his wife, and may have been in love with her once but maybe he's now met the love of his life. "always choose the second, because if you were truly in love with the first you wouldn't have fallen for somebody else."

Marriage isn't about being in love with that person all the time. Once you get married, you realize it's a lot like getting a new sibling that you care about at a deeper level. They become your family. If you divorced or discussed divorce every time you felt "out of love" with your spouse, your marriage would only last a fraction of the time that it could, and you'd probably get married a dozen times. Because of Hollywood and romance novels, we rush to label strong feelings as love and we ridiculously equate that with our ability to build a life with that person. OP may be in love with his wife and this other woman, he may not be in love with his wife but in love with the other woman, he may even not be in love with anyone right now, just feeling giddy about feeling that special attraction that only happens when things are brand new. No matter what, I hope his marriage is built on more than his naturally changing feelings.

You need to talk to your wife. Explain what's going on so that she won't get hurt worse than she already may be.

its a sign that you should sleep with each other

Geez...presumably you want to keep this promotion. Career-wise, it is obvious that you should keep your relationship professional. It may be difficult for the first few months, but eventually (hopefully) you will become desensitised to her, and her to you.

More like F your spouses' L. But look on the bright side -- there are four divorce lawyers who will soon be able to afford new Mercedes.

Well I guess destiny, fate, or whatever you want to call it put y'all together for a reason. Good luck

How can you be "happily married" but might also be in love with your coworker? If you can't stay true to your spouse, do her a favor and end it before you wind up being a cheater instead of just a douche.

ghil15 8

der goes the soon to be mistress tsk...