Work husband

By Anonymous - 26/08/2013 15:16 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, a coworker told me she may be in love with me. I admitted similar feelings and we agreed, since we're both happily married, not to spend time together anymore. Two hours later we were both promoted to run the same project, where we'll be "working hand in glove for the next couple of years." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 394
You deserved it 14 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just remember hand in glove doesn't equal ring on finger.

State that there is a conflict of interest to your boss. You really don't want to put yourself in that position, OP, especially once you decide to be loyal to your spouse.


Maybe it's a sign? Seems like you're not really happily married if you like her.

I dont see a major problem. Yes, you admitted to forget about it and avoid each other, and it'll be awkward, but Im sure you could work past it.

InfernoVivo 12

And here I thought it was a watermelon.

klovemachine 24

And I thought it was a cucumber

Speak for yourself. The pickles I have in my cold room right now are hot peppers, zucchini spears and carrots. Not a cucumber in the bunch.

My zucchini plant just grew a squash the size of Texas. Just thought everyone should know.

80, you may have pickled hot peppers, zucchini spears, and carrots, but they aren't pickles. Pickles are pickled cucumbers.

What the hell is a cold room? Is it a pantry that is cold? Is that what you call a fridge? Are you hanging out in a morgue?

Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers... ... Just had to add my 5 cents

EgyptianPride98 8

A "cold room" is also called a "cold cellar" and it's basically a cold storage room. It's a room (usually in the basement) that isn't insulated so it's literally a (naturally) cold room. It's not a really a pantry or a fridge-- it's sort of something in between.

klovemachine 24

I'm aware of that, 63. It was a failed attempt at humor :-D

Karma, and for some reason the 1987 movie "The Secret of My Success" (starring Michael J. Fox) comes to mind.

If you believe you're in love with somebody else then you should be honest and tell your partner

Why is nobody else saying this! Right now the wife believes that op loves her and only her. She has a right to know. I also believe that you can only truly love one person and that even if op is happy his marriage must not be what it used too. Maybe he stopped loving her along the way. But I'm engaged to the only person I've ever dated so what would I know

Brutal honesty (and it would be brutal to tell a spouse about feelings you've decided not to act on) doesn't solve the problem. It would just hurt the spouse's feelings and lead them to worry what is going on at work (which most likely will be nothing). If OP is a rational adult, which he seems to be, he can work with someone despite feelings of attraction, however tempting they may be. It may be awkward for a little while, but it doesn't have to cause problems at home for either of them.

olpally 32

Just try to keep your feelings in check. Both of you need to respect the institution that the bond of marriage brings. Good luck.

monnanon 13

what you mean the fake legal binding that holds two people together artificially long after the feelings are gone?

perdix 29

Don't worry, once you start working closely with each other, you'll begin to hate one another. You'll think she's a credit-stealing, manipulative bitch, and she'll think you are a dogmatic, chauvinistic blowhard. Two marriages saved!

olpally 32

That's probably what will happen. Lol. Spend too much time with someone on a project, any disagreements that arise and they'll cut each others heads off and hate each other. Haha. That's thinking outside the box perdix.

That's true tbh. The OP might have feelings for his coworker because she's new and exciting, and when you're starting to fall for someone you're still in that honeymoon period where everything they say/do seems charming. Give it a few months and they'll probably end up at each others' throats. lol

I actually would recommend this. I might not have ever been in love, but I've found nothing kills budding cruses on a person like working on even a short a project with them. If that doesn't work you two might want to have a serious sit down talk with each other and with your spouses to try and work things out.

Mature of you both to decide to keep your distances. Bad luck that your boss threw you together like that...

The boss probably did it on purpose because he saw that they both got along well.

isaidiloveyou 1

if you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second.

It's a little more complicated than that when someone is married. I'm only a teenager but I can't imagine filing for a divorce is a very pleasant process, especially if the couple has children. :/ Just saying...

Wow, 27, that is very mature for a teen. 22-- more than likely, they are in lust, not love. There is no such thing as 'love at first sight'. It takes a lot to build a true, steady, non-wavering love. Will the coworkers still love each other when they learn about the annoying habits they hold? Love is something that has to be built. You love that person despite the annoying habits. Disney has built this false idea of love. There is no Prince Charming nor happily ever after. Real love takes a lot of work.

Um no one can be in love with more than one person, its called being polyamorous.

121 - I'm pretty sure you just contradicted yourself.

ah haha XD no, I just had grammatical errors, I meant to say "Um no. One can be in love with more than one person. It's called being polyamorous."