Work husband

By Anonymous - 26/08/2013 15:16 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, a coworker told me she may be in love with me. I admitted similar feelings and we agreed, since we're both happily married, not to spend time together anymore. Two hours later we were both promoted to run the same project, where we'll be "working hand in glove for the next couple of years." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 394
You deserved it 14 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just remember hand in glove doesn't equal ring on finger.

State that there is a conflict of interest to your boss. You really don't want to put yourself in that position, OP, especially once you decide to be loyal to your spouse.


Maybe you should speak to your respective partners on the matter

Op, the decision to stay away from said coworker was wise, but what ate you going to do now?! Btw you might want to examine the difference between love, and an Infatuation. You and your coworker probably only see each other within the confines of your work. Bed head and morning breath, and who fixes the coffee , and how do you hang the toilet paper is true steadfast love. True love is when you can say your spouse is obnoxious and why, but u still love them.

I respect what you two were trying to do. But how happily married can you be if you've developed serious feelings for some else. I think you either need to sort out your feelings for your co-worker or quit. FYL indeed, but it is of your own making.

You need to know the difference between love and wanting to put your car in her garage! they aren't the same so if you love your spouse ... You need to control yourself and tell your boss its a conflict of interest!

coolname 10

I am just a teen, but I honestly think you need to thoroughly think about how you feel towards your coworker and your wife and marriage and then take responsibility for your feelings. It was noble of you both to try and avoid each other for the sake of your marriages, but I highly doubt that simply avoiding each other would solve the problem if you truly had feelings for one another. I think it would be best if you have a serious conversation with your wife about your marriage, because you are obviously not as happy as before. If you don't want to tell her directly that you have feelings for someone else to spare her feelings, you could simply tell her that you don't feel as happy as you were before and discuss what needs to be done to change that, and suggest that your coworker does the same with her husband. Divorce is a lengthy and sad process for everyone involved, and it is often unnecessary so try your best to steer away from it. Sorry for the paragraph :/ Best of luck OP!

OddShoeLaces 13

For everyone that is condemning OP for not truly loving his wife, none of you have had long term relationships or marriages. If you enter into a relationship with the expectation that you will never have feelings towards anyone else, it will surely end in ruin. OP is honest with himself and made a decision based on that knowledge, so he's done a good job. Having temptation isn't what makes someone a bad person, it's what they do about it. He should tell his wife all about it and ask her advice. If they have a truly open and honest and loving relationship, they'll get through this.

hntandjlt 8
Axel5238 29

I can't imagine why you would even say the feelings are mutual if you are happily married. I think it would have been better to say I'm flattered, but I'm married and won't discuss it further. That kinda leaves the door open for them to try to flirt with you. I would if I could, but I'm married and you think somehow they issue isn't go to be pressed?

MoeGro 6

If your "happily" married then I think maybe you should rethink your career path. Marriage is for life. Jobs come and go.