Why not both?

By Alexandra - 20/09/2011 08:25 - Lebanon

Today, I surprised my boyfriend by buying him an expensive watch for his birthday. He responded with "Aww, you could've just given me head, babe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 617
You deserved it 8 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know you regret having to buy him that watch. Don't lie.


mj_ok 9

Well, we know it doesn't take much to please him.

ThatLooksSticky 16

Christmas is just around the corner, and now you know exactly what to give him. :)

Randy84 10

Another piece of jewelry to match the watch?

Awkward moment when his mom asks what his girlfriend gave him.

doogy15 11

We are men... Sex solve everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.... Except aids....

It's kinda sweet in a way. He is saying you shouldnt of gone to all the effort.