Stress level: 2020

By Anonymous - 27/09/2020 19:02 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, after pushing myself really hard all week to find a new job, I was looking forward to having a nice relaxing weekend with my family. Nope, I got a migraine and can barely function, but also can't sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 052
You deserved it 84

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you can get those great earplugs that let migraine sufferers sleep. Their slogan is, "So good you'll sleep through a burglary!™" Not a great line, but "I'm lovin' it" was taken.

crashtestdumplin 16

I get bad migraines, the only thing that really helps is a cold pack and sometimes I use a back massager on my head. The combo helps a lot. Well at least it lets me go to sleep. If you used a lot of caffeine this week while job searching, it could be a caffeine hangover so maybe an excedrin or caffeinated beverage may help alleviate it.


Maybe you can get those great earplugs that let migraine sufferers sleep. Their slogan is, "So good you'll sleep through a burglary!™" Not a great line, but "I'm lovin' it" was taken.

crashtestdumplin 16

I get bad migraines, the only thing that really helps is a cold pack and sometimes I use a back massager on my head. The combo helps a lot. Well at least it lets me go to sleep. If you used a lot of caffeine this week while job searching, it could be a caffeine hangover so maybe an excedrin or caffeinated beverage may help alleviate it.